Deerfield Rod and Gun Club

Member Meetings are the first Monday of every month at 7pm.
Deerfield Rod and Gun Club - Range Rules and Regulations
Anyone using the ranges must be a member and follow all posted and published rules and bylaws and carry and show their card to
anyone inquiring about your membership status. (No Guest shooters)
No Member shall be under the influence of intoxicants or other drugs while using the Ranges.
Irresponsible shooting, reckless conduct, shooting into signs poles, posts or other gun club property or violation of Safety Rules will result in expulsion from the club and criminal charges.
Use of Rifle or Pistol Ranges is prohibited before 8:00 am and after sunset as indicated by time in newspaper.
Trap range shall close no later than 10:30 pm.
When using the pistol or rifle ranges, all targets must be placed in front of the berm and in front of or attached to the shooting mats. Shooting in the ground is strictly forbidden.
No Fully Automatic weapons or Tracer rounds are allowed on the ranges.
All used targets, expended rounds or casings, and other refuse, must be removed and placed in the designated garbage containers.
Children and pets must be closely supervised on the ranges, below the clubhouse, or in the woods area.
Updated rules may be published on the club website www.deerfieldrodandgunclub.com and/or posted in the clubhouse and/or Ranges
*Youth Members not having completed Hunter Safety: The Deerfield Rod &Gun Club will follow the guidelines as published in the current WI Hunting Regulations under the Mentor Program.
Any member found in Violation of any club rule, bylaws, or regulations may be expelled from the Club with no refund due and prohibited from the use of the club or its facilities.