Deerfield Rod and Gun Club

A list of our leagues. Contact us for more information.

Cool League
League held on Wednesdays, starting the first Wednesday of the new year.
Normal trap fees apply and $15 to join the league to give your try at 16 yd targets.
Spring Trap League​
Warmer weather is in the air and we are able to stand outside longer, thus allowing more events! This league will consist of several options such as hunt and cover, doubles, and 16 yd targets. If interest, a 410 event will take place. $15 in league fees and 1 event, $5 for each event after that. Come on up and enjoy the cool breeze on the hill!
Small Bore Rifle
This is an 8 week league Starting the First week in April. There will be 5 record shots fired from each of the 4 shooting positions: standing, kneeling, sitting and prone. This is a fun league. You can fire the targets at any time you are on your honor to follow the minimal rules we have.
Summer Trap League
5 shooter teams compete for all the bragging rights you can handle. 14 week league starting end of April. Teams are assigned shooting times and days (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thrusday).
Youth league is 5:45PM each day. A wonderful catered banquet with trophies awarded at the banquet, typically first week of September.
Summer Bullseye Pistol
Shoot one handed or 2. Precision or cary gun. The course of fire is the NRA National match. 10 shots in 10 min (slow fire), 2 strings of 5 shots in 20 sec (timed fire), 2 stings of 5 shots in 10 seconds (rapid fire). All shot at the 60 foot line with 25 yard targets. Competitors have 9 weeks to hand in 9 score cards. Range Officers will be there to help and call commands for the competitors.
Fall Trap League
This is the same as spring league, except with changing leaf color to make it just a tad more challenging to see the orange birds. You will have 6 weeks to shoot the events of your choice, over an extended period of time. League cost is $15, which includes one event and then $5 for each event thereafter. Event types are hunt and cover, 25 - 16yd targets, doubles and 410 league.
Quad County Chain Shoots
Deerfield Rod and Gun Club participates in Quad County Chain Shoots. This is a series of shoots conducted at various clubs from October / April. See the 2023 - 2024 Flyer for schedule of events and rules. Clicking the image to the left will pop up the flyer from another website.